Family · Spouse

4 Years!

Steve and I just celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary! It’s so crazy amazing to look back and reflect on your time together as a married couple over the years- and an anniversary is the perfect time to do so. Even though it’s only been 4 years since we were married, we’ve had 2 babies, so it’s been busy! And it’s funny to think about how we’ve changed, how our lives have changed, and reminisce about how we first met, when we started dating, and our wedding day. Sometimes we can’t believe it’s been 4 years already, because it went by so fast, yet, at the same time, we can’t believe it’s only been 4 years, because we feel like we’ve known each other forever and it’s crazy to think about a time when we weren’t together… it’s funny how time works that way… the one thing I do know for sure, is how lucky I am, and how- even she I don’t think it’s possible- I love this man more and more with every passing day. ❤️

Family · Spouse

Milestone birthdays


Steve turned the big 4-0 today! He was super casual about it and doesn’t like to make a big fuss about birthdays- which is so totally unlike me… I’m all about a very special birthday month.. ha! Today got me thinking about milestone birthdays and reflecting on our past years while looking forward to the future. I must have asked Steve 10 times today if he felt different, and what does it feel like to be 40?! (I meant it in an awesomely loving way, by the way! I love birthdays and it’s exciting to have a big one!) It’s funny though how people make a big thing out of 40, like it’s a bad thing- like now you’re old- “over the hill” etc.. but I loved the way Steve put it… he told me that turning 40 wasn’t a big deal to him because he was so happy with his station in life- we are so happily married, we have two amazing kiddos, we’re healthy, and we have a slew of vegan treats to celebrate! (Ok, I added that last part about the vegan treats!) but really, I love the idea of looking at birthdays through the lens of how much you’ve accomplished thus far and how lucky we are to be as happy as we are, no matter how old. More birthdays just means we’ve had more time to experience more amazing, breath taking, delerioisly happy type moments, and that’s a pretty great thing.

#100daysofhustleandveg · Spouse

Slumber Party Questions!


My new fav thing is coming up to bed early, putting on some music, lighting a few candles, and actually getting to spend some time just talking to Steve. Lately, it seems that all our daily routines have us so busy that we barely have anytime to just sit and talk anymore. Sure, we could talk about work, and how our (busy) days went, but for a change, I thought we could switch things up a bit and maybe even learn some stuff about each other we didn’t know before! I came up with a (giant!) list of slumber party questions- some easier than others- cut them up into little strips and put them into an empty jar for us to take turns pulling from. You could do one question a night, or a whole marathon session of, “wow! I didn’t know that about you!” I included a free download of  SLUMBER PARTY QUESTIONS! (click to download) I printed them on colored paper to make my jar a little prettier! Now you and your sig other can have your own slumber party! Enjoy!


Fun and Games · Spouse

20 Questions…


Did you ever play 20 questions when you were a kid? Steve and I love to try to guess/figure out stupid facts and puzzles the other one is thinking about using the 20 questions format. Last night, for some reason, we were talking about People Magazine, and I recalled to him that I had just seen the cover in Walgreens the other day and it was the Sexiest Man of The Year. I challenged him to guess who he thought it might be, using 20 questions, and it was totally harder than expected! We usually don’t really keep track of how many yes or no questions, I kind of let him ask until he figures it out, or is too frustrated to continue (although that rarely happens, he gets pretty determined…)

The funniest part about it was he kept asking questions that I answered, “sort of,” or “in a way…” and he was totally confused until he figured out who he was and then all the pieces fell into place.. don’t you love that?!

Him: Is he known for acting?

Me: Yes, and something else.

Him: Music?

Me: No.

Him: Comedy?

Me: No.

Him: Sports?

Me: …in a way

Him: So, he’s an athlete

Me: …sort of

Him: Can I/ have I played this sport?

Me: …In a way (like, when you were 10 years old with your brother in your parent’s living room)

Haha! By the way, it was Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. (Is the kind of wrestling The Rock did a sport? Or pure entertainment? Hmm…)

20 Questions image taken from